Reaching Out ~ One Step at a Time


You’ve sent out mass emails letting all your friends, relatives and colleagues know about your job search.  Perhaps your unemployment benefits are thinning out as well.  Where do you turn now? There are many conventional and less conventional resources at hand that you can utilize in your job search.  The most obvious resource is a headhunter.  Many times, friends
and colleagues have worked with a few headhunters and have already established a relationship and rapport with one. The advantage of using a headhunter that someone you know has used is that you will have a firsth and assessment of the job that the headhunter did in helping to obtain a new position.  Less conventional resources are social media, and online job boards that I have listed below.  The online website Linkedin is a wonderful way of reconnecting with colleagues that you have lost touch with.  Linkedin is a business-oriented social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. As of April 2010, LinkedIn had more than 65 million registered users. I recently reconnected with a few colleagues on Linkedin that had left the country and/or moved to the West coast.  Even if an immediate job does not come out of this new connection, it is wonderful to stay connected!!  For this keep your rubyslippers on and surf the web using the links below!